The marrow often plays second fiddle to courgettes, but marrow seeds yield tasty and versatile vegetables that are definitely worth growing in their own right. Baked in the oven with your topping of choice, stuffed marrows make a very satisfying meal. Try sowing these slightly nutty-flavoured vegetable seeds to add to soups, ratatouille or curries.
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Like Courgettes, Marrows are easy to grow once the plants are up and running. Once the fruit forms you can almost watch them grow. Suttons have a great selection of seed for you, ‘Tiger Cross’ for the traditional large torpedo Marrow or ‘Piccolo’, for smaller rounder fruits, and Suttons even have one that is good o the barbeque and that's ‘Tennis ball’. Like Courgette it’s a stunning plant and has pride of place for both food and ornamental pleasure.
Marrow seeds need to be sown in 75mm pots in April or May under glass.
Twist to the Marrow to the right when harvesting to get a nice clean break. You can place straw under the forming Marrow to prevent rotting if the climate is proving to be a bit wet. Marrows can be stored in dry cool conditions for longevity.
Buy Marrow Seeds from Suttons