Hyacinth bulbs produce sweet, fragrant flowers and vibrant spring colours. There's a wide choice for you here, whether you're looking for gentle pastel yellows and pinks, the strong, vibrant purple 'Woodstock' or even the firts original black hyacinth 'Midnyight Mystic' Easy to grow outdoors and stunning in borders, they create dashing carpets of colour. You can also grow specially prepared hayacinth bulbs at Christmas to fill your home with a heavenly scent.
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Believed to have been growing in England since the late 16th century, hyacinths are often associated with the bulb fields of The Netherlands. It is here where stripes of colour adorn the fields and their awe-inspiring attributes are adored by many. Similar to tulip bulbs, the Dutch had an obsession with these bulbs in the 1700s which led to the breeding of many new varieties. Fashionable Europeans followed the example set by Louis XV as he filled his gardens with this high society beauty.
A traditional flowering bulb, their unique selling point is their scent which is superbly sweet. Like a candy shop their colours are equally enticing - sherbet lemon 'City of Haarlem' looks good enough to eat, while 'Woodstock' is a rich burgundy wine colour with double flowers too!
Blue is a popular Hyacinth colour with 'Delft Blue' one of the most well-known. Why not try our Ocean mix - a beautiful soft mix of blues and whites to add cool sophistication to your March & April borders and pots.
They should be planted in the autumn in well-drained soil in either sun or partial shade. It's best to wear gloves when handling these bulbs as they can sometimes cause irritation to the skin.
If you can't wait until the spring to see these floriferous fancies, then fear not - prepared Hyacinth bulbs can be planted in pots inside in September for festive blooms. Discover how to force indoor bulbs here.
Unlike the outdoor bulbs which should be buried at a depth of about 3 times the bulb's height, for indoor pots - shallow planting is a must. Place the bulbs so their tops are just peeping out of the soil and leave in a cool dark place for weeks until shoots are a few centimetres high. At this point bring them into the light and increased warmth and wait for them to flower. You can also grow these indoor bulbs in special bulb vases. Fill the vase with water and sit the bulb just above the water level so roots can find their way down.