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Cherry Trees

Cherry trees offer breathtaking blossom, fiery autumn foliage and an abundance of delicious fruits. Whether you want to grow cooking cherries, sweet snacking cherries, or wild cherries as edible hedging plants, we have something to suit every garden. Planning a sensational display for your terrace or balcony? Browse our selection of patio fruit plants to find compact varieties that thrive in containers.

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Cherry trees information & FAQs

Cherry trees – sweet varieties or a sour Morello that’s ideal for cooking – are an easy and beautiful tree to add to your garden. Give them a feed in late winter to encourage more fruit. Just be aware that birds like their fruit as much as us and be ready with some bird net to protect your crop.

When to plant a cherry tree

Cherry trees can be bought either as bare root plants or container grown. Bare root should be planted while the trees are dormant between November and March. Container grown trees can be planted year-round but late autumn and spring are the best times.

Where to plant cherry trees

Cherries like a fertile soil that doesn’t get water-logged and prefer ground that’s slightly acidic. Choose a sheltered spot for your cherry tree, avoiding areas that get late frosts as that will affect the blossom. Strong wind can also damage the display. Sweet cherries prefer a sunny site but Morellos can be grown in shade, making them idea for a north-facing wall. Varieties grown on a dwarf rootstock are suitable for containers to brighten a patio.

What to plant under my cherry tree

Early flowering bulbs, such as snowdrops, crocus, Anemone blanda and scilla, will provide early colour before the cherry blossom. Shade-tolerant plants that will grow under a tree include ferns, bergenia and epimedium.