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Hyacinth Bulbs

Hyacinth bulbs produce sweet, fragrant flowers and vibrant spring colours. There's a wide choice for you here, whether you're looking for gentle pastel yellows and pinks, the strong, vibrant purple 'Woodstock' or even the firts original black hyacinth 'Midnyight Mystic' Easy to grow outdoors and stunning in borders, they create dashing carpets of colour. You can also grow specially prepared hayacinth bulbs at Christmas to fill your home with a heavenly scent.

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Hyacinth bulb guide

Hyacinth bulbs are all about their strong, sweet perfume. UK gardeners have been growing the bulbs since the 1700s when Dutch breeding produced brand new and exciting colours and scents that were launched into the public eye by the court of Louis XV. You can find expert advice on growing hyacinth bulbs over on our blog, and the answers to frequently asked questions below.

Which hyacinth has the strongest scent?

A very strongly-scented variety, Hyacinth ‘Delft Blue’ has been a popular choice for many years. The inky sky-blue flowers are laden with intense perfume. Grow these bulbs indoors on a windowsill or fill outdoor pots to enjoy in March and April.

Which hyacinth is best for forcing early blooms?

Hyacinth 'Carnegie' is a great option to force before winter and gives you elegant white blooms to enjoy indoors throughout the festive period. Check out our guide to forcing spring-flowering bulbs for tips.

Which hyacinths do best in shade?

Plant your hyacinth bulbs in a sunny spot. These scented spring flowering bulbs are native to the eastern Mediterranean and, as such, appreciate lots of sun and warmth. They will tolerate semi-shade for one season, but won’t do well if left there for more than a year.

Can I reuse my forced hyacinth bulbs?

Yes, you can enjoy your forced hyacinth bulbs for years to come. Simply plant them outdoors after they’ve finished flowering, and they’ll bloom again in following years. Just don’t try to force them again.